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Defective Truck Tire Accident Attorneys in Kansas City, Missouri

The rumble of an 18-wheeler often inspires a sense of respect for its power and the responsibility of its operator. Unfortunately, when a defective tire comes into play, all too often, that power is displayed in a jarring, life-altering accident.

At SJP Sifers Jensen Palmer, we have consistently represented truck accident victims and their families. Several of those instances have been due to detrimental defects linked to truck tires.

We have tried and won defective automobile cases including jury verdicts of $31 Million, $25 Million, and $13 Million for our clients. In these cases, we often see issues with the vehicle’s tires. 

Defective tires can pop up as surprises. Unlike a truck's engine, which might show signs of distress through a slow stutter, a tire can seem fine one minute, only to completely fail the next. This surprise factor, along with a truck's sheer size and the speeds it can reach, means accidents often occur quickly.  

Our attorneys at SJP Sifers Jensen Palmer can advocate for anyone who has fallen victim to a defective truck tire. We know the science behind these cases, and we're here to help you secure the compensation you deserve.

Contact our Kansas City law firm today for a free consultation. We work with clients and their families throughout Springfield, Missouri, and the Kansas City Metropolitan Area. 

Serving Clients With Integrity


What Causes a Truck’s Tires to Fail? 

Many potential issues can cause a truck's tires to fail. Manufacturing defects top the list, implying that the tire was compromised from the very start. These defects are possibly due to a flawed design or an error in the construction.  

Design defects can be blamed when the tire's intended design features are inherently dangerous. On the other hand, errors in maintenance, such as overinflation, underinflation, or not rotating the tires, can also lead to failure.

Freezing weather conditions can enhance the effects of these defects, highlighting cold-weather fatigue as another significant contributor. 

The reality is that a combination of factors, both human and mechanical, often triggers these tire failures, transforming an accident into a multi-faceted problem requiring decisive legal action. 

Determining Liability: Can More than One Person or Entity Be Responsible for a Truck Tire Failure? 

When determining who is responsible for a truck tire defect accident, the answer is often more complex than it initially appears, because so many parties may share a degree of fault.

Identifying each contributor is crucial for holding each party accountable for their role in the accident, both as a matter of justice and as a means to secure adequate compensation for the victims. 

The tire manufacturer might be at fault due to a defective batch or design that was recognized but not repaired. When it comes to possible tire defect cases, our firm SJP Sifers Jensen Palmer has encountered situations where truck owners and operators have neglected their vehicles.  

Retailers and maintenance services can also be held responsible if their actions or inactions contributed to the tire's failure. 

Under product liability law, multiple parties can be liable for a victim's damages. This means that if the tire was defective due to multiple contributing factors, responsibility can be shared between the entities involved in its distribution, installation, and operation.

Each entity may be found strictly liable or negligent, and the victim's award can be divided among them based on their share of the fault, referred to as comparative fault

At SJP Sifers Jensen Palmer, we are dedicated to tracing the trail of responsibility. We believe each detail is essential in building a case and ensuring all parties who played a part in the accident are held accountable. 

We Don't Get Paid Unless We Win Your Case 

Our commitment to justice is why we operate on a contingency fee basis, meaning our clients pay nothing upfront for our legal services. Our payment depends on the successful resolution of your case, thus ensuring our interests are aligned with yours.  

By choosing SJP Sifers Jensen Palmer, you’re partnering with advocates who will firmly stand by your side every step of the way. From the initial investigation to the final verdict or settlement, we’re focused on achieving the justice you deserve. 

The aftermath of an accident can be a tumultuous time, marked by physical pain, emotional distress, and financial uncertainty. Our team is committed to working tirelessly on behalf of our clients.

We understand the stakes and take on the burdens of legal proceedings so our clients can focus on what's most important—recovering and rebuilding their lives.  

Defective Truck Tire Accident Attorneys in Kansas City, Missouri

For those in the Kansas City and Springfield areas, SJP Sifers Jensen Palmer can help you seek the full and fair compensation you deserve after a defective tire accident. Our team has a proven track record of success in handling complex truck accident cases, including those involving faulty tires. If you or a loved one has been the victim of a truck tire accident, set up a free consultation to see how we can help.